Do Babies go to Heaven? (Soteriology)
When talking about the eternal security (or lack thereof) of infants and the mentally infirm one must tread very carefully. This particular subject is a delicate one, and many are healing from the pains of a precious little child being ripped from their arms far too soon or has a child who will never rise above the mental capacity of about a four-year-old. At the same time, false platitudes offer no real lasting comfort. Whatever answer is given must be grounded firmly in the Word of God, then at that point on Christ can offer any true and lasting comfort. But what needs to be understood first and foremost is the very nature of God, in particular, His Holiness and righteousness. The Word of God is the final authority, and no matter what it may say that we either agree with or disagree with, we observe and believe that God is just, and we the creation worship Him. ...